Ravenwood South Website Tutorial

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Neighborhood Directory Tutorial

Welcome to the Ravenwood South website. The majority of our website is visible to the public. But our Neighborhood Directory is restricted to our neighbors in Ravenwood South. In order to see the online directory and enter the information for your family, you first have to register, get approved by a website admin and login.

This video walks you through the steps to access and fill out your online directory information.

Step 1 – Click the Login button and select Register.

Step 2 – You’ll need to pick a unique username (no spaces). Fill out your name, email and address so the Website Admin will be able to make sure you’re a neighbor in Ravenwood South.

Step 3 – Once you get an email saying your registration has been approved, you can now log in and fill out the Directory information following the steps listed in the video above.

If more than one member of your family wants to register so they can log in and access the Online Neighborhood Directory, that's fine. But we ask that only one person fill out the directory information for the whole family, so there won't be duplicate listings.

If you have any problems or questions, please send an email to contact@RavenwoodSouth.com.